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Summer Reading

Adventure begins at your library! –  Log your summer reading online and when you reach a prize level, stop by the Reference desk to pick it up!

Community Resources

A list of local services offering assistance for a multitude of needs.  Click here to open the list of Local Resources and Montcalm County Services.

New Materials

Flat River Community Library has lots of new books for readers! Look here to see our Newly Arrived Adult Books.


Recreational, educational, and everything in between – we have free activities, events, and programs for all ages! Check the calendar for complete details on program offerings.

Did you attend a program?  We’d love your feedback! Please take a moment and fill out our Program Satisfaction form. Thank you!

Tell us what your interests are!  To assist us in bringing awesome future programs to our community, please fill out our Patron Interest Survey. Thank you!

Books and More Bundles

Our library team is happy to select materials for you to pick up and check out!  Simply fill out this form and one of our staff members will select materials and prepare them for you to take and enjoy.


Searching our catalog and having trouble finding a title? Ask a Librarian for assistance or fill out a Purchase Suggestion form.

Lucky Day

Our Lucky Day collection provides an additional copy of highly popular books for spontaneous use, without the traditional waiting lists. Nobody can place holds on these items; it’s first come, first served. That means you might not need to wait at all for the most popular new titles. New titles will be added each month so check back often. You’ll never know what you might find at the Library – it might just be your Lucky Day!

MeL Databases

NoveList Plus web button

Consumer Reports (part of MasterFILE) web button

Hobbies & Crafts Reference Center web button

Home Improvement Reference Centerweb button

Consumer Health Complete web button

Literary Reference Center web button

Biography Reference Center web button

Small Business Reference Center web button

Adult Core Skills from LearningExpress Library web button

Career Exploration web button

Career Preparation from LearningExpress Library web button

College Admissions Test Preparation from LearningExpress Library web button

Computer Skills Tutorial from LearningExpress Library web button

Professional Development Collection web button

Auto Repair Source web button

* Database provided by the Michigan eLibrary (MeL). For a complete listing of databases, click here.